Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Top 10 Causes of Hemorrhoids - Part 2

Okay!........I know you've been eagerly waiting for the last couple of days for the next 5 causes of hemorrhoids from my list of the top 10, so without further ado.........

6. Constipation and Diarrhea

As mentioned in the top 5 both of these complaints can end up as nasty cases of hemorrhoids. Constipation, if you need it explaining, is when passing a stool is made extremely difficult due the hardening and general compacting of the stool in the bowel. Diarrhea, on the other hand (sorry for the poor choice of words!), is often caused by something we've eaten or have drank that doesn't entirely agree with us. These extremely watery stools are often violently evacuated and this causes damage to the veins in the rectal region which again can lead to hemorrhoids.

7. Disease and Illness

Hemorrhoids are very often a symptom of something more serious and none can be more serious than rectal cancer. Many diseases and illnesses that affect how we digest our food and dispose of our waste products can cause hemorrhoids, often by forcing us to follow an urge to unnecessarily go to the the toilet. This often unnecessary and consistent straining causes a great deal of pressure on the rectal veins and will inevitably result in hemorrhoids.

8. Exercise, or lack of it to be precise!

Our whole digestion process from eating to passing waste requires healthy muscle activity. A lack of exercise results in ALL our muscles, not just those that are visible externally, becoming weaker and less flexible. This means that bowel movements that depend upon muscle constriction to move waste along become more difficult. Those that are more prone to hemorrhoids because of lack of exercise are those suffering other long term illnesses, the elderly and people whose occupations mean that they either stand or sit for very long periods.

9. Excessive Weight or Obesity

Excessive weight creates unnecessary pressure on your rectal veins, similar to that caused by pregnancy, but it can cause a whole host of different problems too, some more serious than others, so in the whole scheme of things, hemorrhoids are a pretty minor problem to have when compared to some of the other issues excessive weight can bring to the party...it doesn't make them any less painful though!

10. All Other Causes!

Okay, so it's not exactly a real number ten, but hey...fire me! Seriously though, once you take out all those people for whom one of the previous nine causes of hemorrhoids ticks their box, there are only a very small number of people that remain. These people will have hemorrhoids that are caused by; the excessive use of laxatives, vitamin deficiency, stress and hypertension or dehydration.

All the best

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