Wednesday 5 November 2014

Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids Quick And Easy

When you have hemorrhoids, you will be wondering about treatments such as creams, warm baths and other methods you can do at home. You can prevent them by drinking more water and eating enough fiber. Also make use of stool softeners when needed. You will find many good ideas for treating the symptoms of external hemorrhoids in this article.

To help prevent hemorrhoids, make sure your diet is full of fiber. You should eat whole grain foods, pasta, oatmeal and a lot of leafy green vegetables. Fiber will ease your bowel movements and remove the pressure put on your hemorrhoids.

If you are struggling with hemorrhoids, try to avoid straining for a bowel movement. You should wait until you are ready to go into the bathroom. Never try to force yourself to have a bowel movement. If you are not completely ready to use the bathroom, try exercising or walking to help with the bowel movement.

When suffering from painful and itchy hemorrhoids, try applying an icepack. An icepack can help reduce the symptoms of the hemorrhoids. You should wrap the icepack in a cloth to prevent it from being too cold. You can use an icepack for a maximum of 20 minutes, three times a day.

If you prefer more natural ingredients for treating your ailments, consider purchasing a salve, ointment, or cream that contains horse chestnut. This botanical product, which is very popular in European countries, can be applied directly to external hemorrhoids. Within minutes, the topical solution will shrink the size of the hemorrhoid and offer relief from stinging sensations.

One way to help relieve your hemorrhoid pain is to take a warm bath. The hot water will help relieve the itching sensation and the pain. Additionally, when you take a bath, you are eliminating the bacteria that can cause your hemorrhoids to worsen, keeping your body healthy and happy.

One of the things that you will need to be aware of with hemorrhoids is the impact of coughing. Try to refrain from coughing as much as possible, since this motion can strain the area of your body that is affected. Take medication if you are not able to control your cough.

After you take a shower, make sure that the area of your hemorrhoids is completely dry. Putting clothes on a wet body can lead to excess irritation during the course of the day, which can be very painful. Prevent this by using a soft towel that captures all moisture on your body after washing.

Try using an ice pack to reduce swelling and alleviate pain from a hemorrhoid flareup. Some people also find applying over the counter creams or witch hazel to the affected area helpful in reducing swelling. To prevent further hemorrhoid irritation use a doughnut pillow when sitting or avoid sitting altogether.

Standing for long periods of time without moving can cause hemorrhoids to form. The same problem can occur if you are sitting for hours on end and not getting up for a break. Try alternating between sitting and standing if you are not able to get up and walk around during the day.

Hemorrhoids are usually caused by a swelling of some flesh around the rectum. A good dosage of ice and compression can help to reduce the swelling because it simultaneously numbs and shrinks the size and severity of the hemorrhoid. Like any other injury in the body, ice, compression and leaving it alone can help it to heal.

Hemorrhoid Treatments

Hemorrhoid treatment products tend to be more temporary in nature. That is not to say that you can't use these products, but an easy way to maximize their effectiveness is to start making healthier food selections and limiting your intake of foods that are high in sugar, carbohydrates and fats.

You can employ natural methods, such as absorption of water and fiber, applying creams, and exercising regularly. By utilizing the advice provided here, you will be able to keep any future issues with hemorrhoids at bay.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Saturday 20 September 2014

Say Goodbye To Hemorrhoids By Putting These Tips to Good Use

Living with hemorrhoids can be a frustrating and painful experience. However, if armed with the right knowledge, you can make this troublesome condition less agonizing and learn how to prevent hemorrhoids from occurring in the future. The following article gives you all the tips, hints and advice that you need to start making your life easier starting from today.

Over the counter creams and ointments are one of the more affordable options for relief from the pain and discomfort of hemorrhoids. Look for soothing ingredients to treat different symptoms. Ingredients like hydro cortisone will reduce itching and swelling, while local anesthetics will provide effective, but temporary relief from pain and soreness.

When struggling with the symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can try the ointments or creams that are available at stores. These creams and ointments will not cure your hemorrhoids, but they will help make the symptoms more tolerable. You should not use the creams or ointments for longer than a week.

If you prefer more natural ingredients for treating your ailments, consider purchasing a salve, ointment, or cream that contains horse chestnut. This botanical product, which is very popular in European countries, can be applied directly to external hemorrhoids. Within minutes, the topical solution will shrink the size of the hemorrhoid and offer relief from stinging sensations.

If you find yourself dealing with this issue then you should not worry excessively initially. It may take some time to heal, but it shouldn't take more than two weeks. If you find it taking longer than this then it is probably time to get it checked out by a medical professional.

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids then you may want to consider purchasing some witch hazel. You can apply the witch hazel to them topically. Witch hazel has been shown to effectively reduce the size of hemorrhoids which in consequence lessens the itching and pain that you will suffer because of them.

There is nothing that causes more itching than hemorrhoids, other than perhaps chicken pox. If you scratch, you may exacerbate the condition by causing small tears in the tissue. If they get opened for any reason, they will be far more painful and susceptible to bacterial infection.

Do not spend too much time on the toilet waiting for a bowel movement to happen. It will only happen when your body is ready to make it happen. Sitting on the toilet reading a book for an hour is not going to help at all. Only go when you have the strong urge to go.

To stay as healthy as possible and limit the symptoms of hemorrhoids, make sure that you maintain a proper diet. This means that you should reduce the foods that have high cholesterol and fat content to improve the way that you feel. Eat well-balanced meals that are rich in protein for optimal results.

To reduce the chances of developing hemorrhoids, maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight puts excessive pressure on the pelvic region and the pelvic veins. The best way to maintain a healthy weight and prevent hemorrhoids, is to get plenty of exercise and eat a well balanced diet that is high in fiber.

Olive oil is a wonderful home remedy that can help with hemorrhoids. Olive oil, as strange as it may seem, is known for its ability to reduce swelling and relieve itching caused by hemorrhoids. However, only use olive oil to treat external hemorrhoids. Internal use is not recommended.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Your job or lifestyle may have an effect on your hemorrhoid symptoms. If you have a desk job or spend a lot of time sitting while you're at home, make sure to give yourself some relief by walking around for a few minutes every hour. This takes the direct pressure off your hemorrhoids. Also, if your job involves a lot of heavy lifting, try to exhale as you bear the brunt of the load. Holding your breath exerts pressure on the hemorrhoids and may cause them to become more painful.

You'll be surprised how many types of nonprescription products can quickly relieve your hemorrhoid symptoms! These include creams, gels, pads, and foams that can soothe pain and reduce itching and inflammation. You can also try pills, such as Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen that can reduce swelling and inflammation!

Avoid using a doughnut shaped cushion if you have hemorrhoids. These cushions are often advertised as helpful aids for those suffering from hemorrhoids, but they can have the opposite effect. Sitting on one of these cushions for a long period of time will put additional stress on the veins in your anus, which will worsen your hemorrhoid symptoms.

Many people suffer needlessly from the pain and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. While there is no magic cure to entirely ease your suffering, you can greatly alleviate your distress by educating yourself on the causes, treatments and cures of this condition. Living with hemorrhoids can range from an irritating nuisance to an excruciating ordeal. No matter where you fall on the spectrum, this article is designed to provide you with the information you need to start combating the problem.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Hemorrhoid Relief with HemAway!

I've just come acroos this and was intrigued to say the least.

It looks and seems like a great idea but has anyone tried it?

Does it actually work?


Tuesday 2 September 2014

Top 10 Causes of Hemorrhoids - Part 2

Okay!........I know you've been eagerly waiting for the last couple of days for the next 5 causes of hemorrhoids from my list of the top 10, so without further ado.........

6. Constipation and Diarrhea

As mentioned in the top 5 both of these complaints can end up as nasty cases of hemorrhoids. Constipation, if you need it explaining, is when passing a stool is made extremely difficult due the hardening and general compacting of the stool in the bowel. Diarrhea, on the other hand (sorry for the poor choice of words!), is often caused by something we've eaten or have drank that doesn't entirely agree with us. These extremely watery stools are often violently evacuated and this causes damage to the veins in the rectal region which again can lead to hemorrhoids.

7. Disease and Illness

Hemorrhoids are very often a symptom of something more serious and none can be more serious than rectal cancer. Many diseases and illnesses that affect how we digest our food and dispose of our waste products can cause hemorrhoids, often by forcing us to follow an urge to unnecessarily go to the the toilet. This often unnecessary and consistent straining causes a great deal of pressure on the rectal veins and will inevitably result in hemorrhoids.

8. Exercise, or lack of it to be precise!

Our whole digestion process from eating to passing waste requires healthy muscle activity. A lack of exercise results in ALL our muscles, not just those that are visible externally, becoming weaker and less flexible. This means that bowel movements that depend upon muscle constriction to move waste along become more difficult. Those that are more prone to hemorrhoids because of lack of exercise are those suffering other long term illnesses, the elderly and people whose occupations mean that they either stand or sit for very long periods.

9. Excessive Weight or Obesity

Excessive weight creates unnecessary pressure on your rectal veins, similar to that caused by pregnancy, but it can cause a whole host of different problems too, some more serious than others, so in the whole scheme of things, hemorrhoids are a pretty minor problem to have when compared to some of the other issues excessive weight can bring to the doesn't make them any less painful though!

10. All Other Causes!

Okay, so it's not exactly a real number ten, but me! Seriously though, once you take out all those people for whom one of the previous nine causes of hemorrhoids ticks their box, there are only a very small number of people that remain. These people will have hemorrhoids that are caused by; the excessive use of laxatives, vitamin deficiency, stress and hypertension or dehydration.

All the best

Sunday 31 August 2014

Treating Hemorrhoids Naturally Using Homemade Suppositories

I came across this really great video about a lady making completely natural suppositories for hemorrhoids, what's neat is that 'Ma' Kandu is obviously pregnant, so for all you pregnant hemorrhoid sufferers out there who are looking for a safe natural hemorrhoid treatment, this might be exactly what you're looking for!

I hope that has given you some inspiration to try different natural treatments for hemorrhoids.


Saturday 30 August 2014

Top 10 Causes of Hemorrhoids - Part 1

As you probably know already hemorrhoids are a pain in the butt, I's been done to death! Not only can it cause extreme discomfort and pain it can make going about your daily routine an unforgiving task. Not that it is any consolation but you are definitely not alone in your suffering as hemorrhoids is one of the most common ailments, particularly to those living in the western world. Anyway, without waffling on too much here are the ten most common causes of hemorrhoids in no particular order.

1. Straining When Passing a Stool

On occasions we may get hemorrhoids due to straining when passing a stool or simply spending too long trying to do so. This may be because of constipation or diarrhea but sometimes we are simply rushing for whatever reason and we believe that straining will complete the necessary more quickly!

2. Consistently Putting Off a Bowel Movement

We've all been there, we're stuck somewhere that hasn't got facilities and we need to go to the toilet but we have to hold on until we either get home or get somewhere where there is a bathroom we can use. Unfortunately, this happens every now and then but if you put yourself in the position where this happens regularly then you are asking for trouble. Your large bowel is specifically designed to absorb water from your stool as it passes through, if your stool remains in the bowel longer than it should it is literally sucked dry and hardens making it harder to pass which in turn can cause hemorrhoids.

3. Your Diet Stinks!

Diet should really be at the top of this list as it's the number 1 factor in whether or not we get hemorrhoids. A good diet will encourage regular bowel movements and consistently soft stools. A diet consisting of processed foods containing high amounts of sugar, carbohydrates lacking in fiber, refined flour and animal proteins are simply screaming 'come on hemorrhoids!'

4. Your Genes

There are certain unfortunate individuals for whom it doesn't really matter what they do or eat, getting hemorrhoids is simply unavoidable. These people have inherited weak vein walls in their bowel that are prone to hemorrhoids.

5. There is More Than One Bump Associated With a Pregnancy!

Pregnant women will often suffer from hemorrhoids, understandable when you consider the extra pressures placed upon the lower body regions. The final months of pregnancy when a woman is at her heaviest are obviously those when hemorrhoids are more frequent. Even women who have managed to avoid hemorrhoids throughout their pregnancy may succumb at the final hurdle when the pressures and straining involved in given birth often lead to hemorrhoids.

Friday 29 August 2014

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids - Some Advice that Will Help

There's no easy way to say it: hemorrhoids hurt. If you suffer from them, you want relief right away, and if you're at risk of getting them, then you want to know how to get rid of them as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Fortunately, this post is full of advice on how to deal with and how to get rid of hemorrhoids or alternatively you can visit for much more in depth information.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids
Care must be taken when using and applying hemorrhoid products that utilize local anesthetics in their ingredients. Although these anesthetics can do a great job of providing temporary relief from pain and soothing of any stinging sensations, they can also have a detrimental side. There is a potential for such ingredients to cause allergic reactions, and as the application of such medication is usually in the perianal area, this type of irritation can certainly make a bad situation a hell of a lot worse! Should you experience an increase in hemorrhoid symptoms, you need to stop using whatever product you were using with immediate effect.

As an alternative cure for your external hemorrhoids, try yarrow tea. Yarrow tea is becoming easier to find as most local health food shops now stock it. Application couldn't be easier, simply brew the tea for 30 minutes or until it is very strong then apply the tea directly onto the hemorrhoid using a soaked cotton ball or similar.

For those of you who are currently suffering with hemorrhoids, either internal or external, wiping with dry toilet paper should always be avoided. If possible use moist wipes containing aloe vera, or any similar type of medicated wipe. Using dry toilet paper not only aggravates the already inflamed area it can also leave residue that irritates this overly sensitive area.

Do you want fast and effective relief from your hemorrhoids but do not want it using purchased medication? Turn to your garden for help! If you're fortunate enough to have an aloe vera plant either in your home or in your garden you have a ready made, fast acting, pain reliever that will provide an effective solution to hemorrhoid associated pain. There is no difficult extraction process just snap off a leaf and apply the sap from it directly onto the affected area. You will experience an immediate soothing sensation and any inflammation will be drastically reduced.

Broccoli is great for hemorrhoids because it contains a lot of fiber. Broccoli with purge your body of toxins, improving overall health. A dinner with rich meat, should have broccoli incorporated as a side dish.

If you've a hemorrhoid problem, you might want to think about using petroleum jelly to your anus before trying to go to the toilet. This can make the passage of hard stools a lot easier and will help to avoid making the hemorrhoids you already have worse and avoid any more from being created.

Lifting heavy objects can be a factor in the development of hemorrhoids. Any strain you place on your body can be the same as straining to move your bowels. If lifting heavy objects is seemingly unavoidable and it causes you to suffer with recurring hemorrhoids, then you will have to find a way to avoid this type of lifting.

Do not spend too much time on the toilet waiting for a bowel movement to happen. It will only happen when your body is ready to make it happen. Sitting on the toilet reading a book for an hour is not going to help at all. Only try to go when you have the strong urge to go.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, you should ensure that you have adequate levels of iron in your diet and if not top up with iron supplements. Iron is a very important mineral and one of the things it helps with is softening your stools, this obviously helps avoid constipation and lessens the chance of hemorrhoids. If you do need to take iron supplements do so periodically, it is better to space your intake out over the course of a day rather than all at once.


How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids the Easy Way!

If you think about it, eliminating hemorrhoids does seem to be somewhat difficult, whereas it is definitely a lot easier to avoid getting them altogether. Surprisingly, avoiding the painful experience of hemorrhoids is pretty easy as it entirely rests upon our diet and the choices that we make. Although I don't want to over simplify diet and what you should and shouldn't eat here are a couple of basic dietary steps that can be followed: Avoid eating spicy foods excessively and ensure you eat plenty of fiber...but not too much!

As stated earlier in this article, hemorrhoids can hurt. However, if you apply the tips and tricks from this piece to your treatment of the condition, you can find relief very quickly. Even the simple comfort of your additional knowledge can make you feel better physically in no time at all.

Welcome to "How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids"

Hi, I'm Jude and I would like to welcome you to my blog called "How to Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids". Not a very original title I know but I'm not going to apologize as the whole idea behind this blog is to give you a no-frills format of straightforward help and advice about treating and managing hemorrhoids.

Over the next few days or weeks I will be adding content that will be both interesting and purposeful to anyone who is currently suffering with hemorrhoids or who suffers with them on a regular basis.

However, many of you may find that a newly posted piece of information is on a subject you already know about and you may even have implemented or tried the suggestions contained within that information without success. If this applies to you please be patient, not everyone has the same knowledge you have, it won't be long before an article or video posted that you WILL find useful.

Anyway, enjoy your visit and please bookmark this blog or share it on Facebook or Twitter, everyone knows someone who wants to learn how to get rid of hemorrhoids! Keep visiting to check for new articles and new information.
